Tag: Sveza Kostroma

Sveza Kostroma is reducing raw material consumption
30 October 2020 ` 17:29
The company has commissioned a Japanese-made surfacing-and-jointing line for raw veneer; the investment exceeded 60 million rubles. Installation of this line will make it possible to splice small-sized veneer into full-size sheets. The equipment is an automated line... 
In 2020, within an investment project, Sveza Kostroma to purchase 50 railway flatcars to perform deliveries of raw materials worth 150 million rubles
17 February 2020 ` 15:40
Own fleet of railway transport will allow the enterprise to completely abandon technical runs and reduce the number of leased flatcars while covering 40% of its need for rolling stock. Previously, the plant rented about 170 railcars per...