Tag: softwood timber

U.S. softwood timber prices continue to climb
14 January 2021 ` 18:13
Compared to the price one-year-ago, of US$402 mfbm, last week benchmark softwood timber item Western S-P-F KD 2×4 #2&Btr was selling for US$944 mfbm which is +$542, or +135% more. Unstoppable demand over the Holiday Season pushed prices... 
US reduces antidumping duties on Canadian timber
3 December 2020 ` 18:24
The U.S. Department of Commerce reduced its penalties against imports of Canadian timber, primarily from B.C. producers, in the softwood timber dispute. An administrative review of countervailing and anti-dumping duties reduced the tariffs to an average of 9%... 
North American softwood timber prices continue to climb, demand tempers
7 September 2020 ` 18:00
The latest U.S. and Canadian home building, sales, and prices data has shown remarkable — indeed record-breaking — activity, with absolutely no signs of slowing down. In fact, the business of real estate across North America can truthfully...