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Tag: sawmills

Canfor subsidiary completes purchase of Swedish sawmills

3 September 2020 ` 18:30  
Canfor’s Swedish subsidiary, Vida Group, has completed a purchase of three sawmills in the Scandanavian country. It follows on a June 17 announcement that Vida entered an agreement to buy the mills for $43 million plus working capital....

WhatWood has published an annual report ‘Russian Softwood Sawmills, 2017-2018’

10 October 2018 ` 10:24  
WhatWood has published an annual report ‘Russian Softwood Sawmills, 2017-2018‘. In 2017, the sawmill sector set a record: 40.6 million m3, + 10.3% (y / y). The growth in production was secured by high demand from China. Export...