Tag: Metla
Global Trends Review, June 10-16, 2013: lumber outlook, pellet and chip consumption surging, plastics & chemicals from wood
18 June 2013 ` 04:55
The 35,000 members of the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) produced 75.7 million m3 of softwood lumber in 2012 – 4.5% less than the year before, Holzkurier reported. A challenging situation on the log procurement front... 
In 2014, Finland to abolish rotation age for logging
1 May 2013 ` 18:23
Next year, the new Forest Code will come into effect in Finland, which, in particular, involves the abolition of rotation age. Now the project of the document goes public examination. In an interview with Forest portal of Karelia... 
Roslesinforg signed agreement of intent with Finland’s Indufor Oy
17 January 2013 ` 16:49
Moscow, January 17. Roslesinforg, a forest management organization under responsibility of Russian Forest Service, signed an agreement of intent with Finnish consulting Indufor Oy company. The agreement stipulates long-term collaboration in terms of theoretical, legal and management consulting...