Tag: logistics

WhatWood: overstocking led to reduction of prices for Russian timber in Egypt
18 June 2014 ` 13:49
Overstocking of the port of Alexandria with large volumes of sawn timber in June led to price cuts in the Egyptian market, as the representatives of large exporting sawmills in the European part of Russia told WhatWood. After... 
Global Trends Review, April 21 – May 04, 2014: Nordic sawmillers report positive Q1 2014; importers of Asian plywood switch to break bulk shipments
10 May 2014 ` 13:13
Scandinavian sawn timber producers report a good start of 2014 due to improved market demand and better prices on major markets, TTJ said. Moelven’s pre-tax profits in Q1 2014 were NOK 32.9 million (€4 million), compared to NOK... 
Russian Railways to revise new wood transportation tariffs
25 January 2013 ` 16:31
Moscow, January 25. Federal Tariff Service of Russia requested Russian Railways to return to previous tariff rate, as Arkhangelsk pulpmill service reported. As the company said, since November 01, 2012, Russian Railways decided to unify tariff rate for... 
Anti-monopoly service fined Russian Railways for €55.5 million for abuse of dominance
15 November 2012 ` 06:26
Moscow, November 15. Federal anti-monopoly service (FAS) has fined Russian Railways OJSC for 2.24 billion Rubles (€55.5 million) for “abuse of dominance”, as the service announced. Many companies and industry associations have complained about expensive services and poor...