Tag: Lithuania

VMG opened one of the largest particle board factories in Europe
21 October 2020 ` 18:04
In September 2020, a record breaking greenfield investment in Lithuania has been presented in Akmenė – “Vakarų medienos grupė” officially opened one of the largest particle board factories in Europe, with the investment reaching a total of EUR... 
Global Trends Review, April 07-20, 2014: raw wood concerns around the world; lumber production in Finland predicted to grow 2% in 2014
24 April 2014 ` 21:01
According to the latest Eurostat figures quoted by Fordaq, in 2013 not only the sawmills from Europe made their presence obvious on the Chinese market, but also EU’s softwood log exporters more than tripled their deliveries compared to... 
Global Trends Review, February 10-23, 2014: EU timber consumption slowly rising; Japanese timber demand prospects are unclear
2 March 2014 ` 17:39
Consumption of softwood lumber in Europe is slowly increasing from a very low level, according to Fordaq which quotes study by International Forest Industries (IFI) published at woodnet.se. The sharp decline by 32% in past years was mainly... Global Trends Review, June 24-30, 2013: pellet trade growing but causing controversies; companies choose various strategies to tackle weak demand and wood shortage
3 July 2013 ` 13:16
600 representatives of the Austrian paper industry took part in a demonstration in Klagenfurt, says Holzkurier quoting orf.at. The protest in the capital of Austria’s southern province of Carinthia was directed against the planned biomass plant in particular...