Tag: illegal logging

Russian timber industry news #4-2015
11 March 2015 ` 14:16
– In the autumn of 2015, three new pellet mills delivered by Hekotek will be put into operation in the Irkutsk region. – The EU requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organization... 
EIA accused Japanese companies of importing products made of illegal Russian timber
20 June 2014 ` 11:14
Significant quantities of illegal timber products from the forests of Siberia and the Russian Far East are flowing into Japan, according to a new report by the US-based non-profit Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). The report, “The Open Door:... 
State Duma adopted the law on roundwood trade control
27 December 2013 ` 14:11
On Friday, 20 December, the State Duma adopted a law amending the Forest code. The amendments are connected with the introduction of forest declarations and information system which will track roundwood trade. The document is available at the... 
Irkutsk Customs convicted local company in illegal log trade to China
29 May 2013 ` 05:21
In Irkutsk region, a criminal investigation is initiated against a local company for illegal log exports and evasion of customs duties in especially big amounts. A company registered in Irkutsk supplied logs to Manchurian Trade Company based on... 
Expert Council: A Challenging Start
26 April 2013 ` 03:46
WhatWood attended the first meeting of the Forest Industry Expert Council at State Duma on Friday, April 19. The main topic at the event was draft law on control and inventory of roundwood trade to fight illegal logging....