Tag: forecast

Metadynea: production in timber industry may drop by 30%
23 July 2020 ` 15:34
Metadynea is the largest Russian producer of synthetic resins for wood boards. The scope of construction industry, which is one of the biggest consumers of petrochemicals and gas-to-chemicals products, may drop by almost 50% in 2021 and its... 
Arkhangelsk PPM: Russian economy possibly to face prolonged recession
14 August 2013 ` 22:05
The first half of 2013 passed under the negative impact of the crisis. As noted in the study of marketing department of Arkhangelsk pulp & paper mill, a protracted recession may await Russian economy. In January-May 2013, pulp... 
RusForest to shift sales from Middle East to Japan and China
1 May 2013 ` 02:59
Rusforest Group issued annual report for 2012. Company’s total turnover for 2012 amounted to SEK 564.3 million ($85.5 million) compared to SEK 409.4 million ($62 million) in 2011. These results were affected by the inclusion of income and... 
50 insights from Russian Wood & Timber 2013 conference
28 March 2013 ` 05:10
WhatWood News & Analytics collected a range of ideas and thoughts expressed at Russian Wood & Timber 2013 conference held on March 19-21 in Moscow – from analytic outlooks to expert opinions and ideas to boost profitability of... 
Selenga mill: Containerboard prices in Russia in 2013 will grow by 11%
30 January 2013 ` 23:11
Ulan-Ude, January 30. Selenga pulp and board mill (located in Buryatia Republic, belongs to Continental Management holding) expects a 16% growth in containerboard sales in 2013. In value terms, growth would amount to 29%. This will be possible... 
Head of Arkhangelsk pulpmill board: next year will bring growth for pulp & paper industry
28 December 2012 ` 08:21
Arkhangelsk, December 28. Head of Arkhangelsk pulpmill’s board of directors Heinz Zinner gave his forecast on the industry in 2013. Until recently, there was no possibility to evaluate clearly state of the pulp and paper industry, Dr. Zinner... 
FAO: Russian lumber production to grow by 3.5-4 million cu m by 2016
4 December 2012 ` 05:25
Rome, December 04. Logging and production of lumber, wood-based panels, pulp, and paper will further grow in Russia until 2030, as predicted by the experts in a joint study made by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of United... 
Head of Duma Forest Council: Russia’s accession to WTO will cause mill closures, but will help Russian loggers
20 November 2012 ` 13:34
Moscow, November 20. Woodworking and pulp and paper mills will possibly go through massive closures after Russia’s accession to WTO, as predicted by former Vologda region governor, now Head of Forest Council in State Duma Vyacheslav Pozgalyov. Russian...