Tag: Central Europe

Global Trends Review, November 25 – December 01, 2013: lumber trade hindered by protectionism; CLT may add value to the European market
5 December 2013 ` 03:40
At the Timber Market conference, organised by the Swedish Forest Industries Federation, it was reported that global timber market growth is expected in 2014, but protectionism in some markets constitutes a problem, TTJ said. Swedish exports to North... Global Trends Review, September 30 – October 06, 2013: particleboard capacity in Central Europe to fall by 1 million m3; OSB and pellet industries to fight for raw wood
8 October 2013 ` 19:53
Glulam production costs in Central Europe as of September 2013 stand at €411/m3, according to Timber-online, website run by Holzkurier journal. Price for glulam-lamellae ranges from €209 to €213/m3. To have them dried down brings the costs to...