Tag: Bumprom

New amendments to the legislation will facilitate collection of wastepaper
31 December 2014 ` 03:40
The State Duma adopted amendments to the federal law “On wastes of production and consumption”, which will greatly facilitate the collection of raw materials for the production of recycled cardboard, according to the League of wastepaper processors (part... 
Recycling matters to be discussed in the Chamber of Commerce
12 February 2014 ` 03:13
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, following the initiative of the League of wastepaper processors, with the support of RAO Bumprom and the National Confederation of Packagers will hold a working meeting on topical issues of... 
Bumprom association: Ural region is ideal for new pulpmills
19 September 2013 ` 00:41
The internal market in Russia has a huge potential for development of the pulp and paper industry, as stated in an interview to “Russian Forestry News” by head of the analytic department of Bumprom association Yuri Lakhtikov. This...