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Global Trends Review

Major trends of the week in the world’s forest industry.

Global Trends Review, May 19 – June 01, 2014: China’s domestic timber output share remained at 51%; European Q1 timber trade statistics

June 10, 2014 ` 01:16  
China’s domestic timber production rose 2% to 83.67 million m3 in 2013, ITTO reported. Timber imports (logs and sawnwood) rose 18% to 79.16 million m3 log equivalent, and the value of China’s timber imports grew 26% to $16.1...

Global Trends Review, May 05-18, 2014: housing market forecasts in EU; new biofuel investments in Canada, Japan and Europe

May 24, 2014 ` 19:10  
The building permits development in 2013 remained negative and is expected to decline in 2014 in France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, though the latter three showed some positive developments, says Fordaq quoting the latest Arch-Vision report on...

Global Trends Review, April 21 – May 04, 2014: Nordic sawmillers report positive Q1 2014; importers of Asian plywood switch to break bulk shipments

May 10, 2014 ` 13:13  
Scandinavian sawn timber producers report a good start of 2014 due to improved market demand and better prices on major markets, TTJ said. Moelven’s pre-tax profits in Q1 2014 were NOK 32.9 million (€4 million), compared to NOK...

Global Trends Review, April 07-20, 2014: raw wood concerns around the world; lumber production in Finland predicted to grow 2% in 2014

April 24, 2014 ` 21:01  
According to the latest Eurostat figures quoted by Fordaq, in 2013 not only the sawmills from Europe made their presence obvious on the Chinese market, but also EU’s softwood log exporters more than tripled their deliveries compared to...

Global Trends Review, March 24 – April 06, 2014: The year in Europe starts with growing construction; China bans logging in Heilongjiang

April 14, 2014 ` 19:58  
In January 2014 compared with January 2013, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector increased by 8.8% in the euro area (EU18) and by 7.3% in the EU28, as Fordaq said quoting Eurostat. The highest increases in production...

Global Trends Review, March 10-23, 2014: CLT and other engineered products are conquering new markets

March 26, 2014 ` 22:32  
Idaho Forest Group (US) and Johann Offner Group (Austria) have announced plans to introduce CLT technology to the United States together, Holzkurier reported. The new company will primarily market a product known in German-speaking countries as KLH, a...

Global Trends Review, February 24 – March 09, 2014: China boosts investments into foreign timber processing; Moody’s anticipates pulp price decline

March 13, 2014 ` 16:44  
Chinese timber enterprises are rapidly increasing foreign investments. Around $1.3 billion has been already allocated in some 20 countries, mainly for logging and primary processing, but with growing interest in wood product manufacturing, as ITTO reported. Recently, both...

Global Trends Review, February 10-23, 2014: EU timber consumption slowly rising; Japanese timber demand prospects are unclear

March 2, 2014 ` 17:39  
Consumption of softwood lumber in Europe is slowly increasing from a very low level, according to Fordaq which quotes study by International Forest Industries (IFI) published at The sharp decline by 32% in past years was mainly...

Global Trends Review, January 27 – February 09, 2014: OSB demand booming in UK, but probably at risk in Central Europe

February 12, 2014 ` 02:59  
Canadian Norbord company is going to expand its Inverness OSB mill in UK in order to meet an anticipated 50% increase in OSB consumption during the next decade, TTJ reported. Earlier the company completed a detailed feasibility study...

Global Trends Review, January 13-26, 2014: results of 2013 for Central European sawmillers; pellet prices stable, but under pressure

February 3, 2014 ` 15:45  
At the beginning of the year the average price of wood pellets in Germany has slightly decreased, as the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association (DEPV) reported. January price is €284.93/t, which is 0.2% lower than in December...

Global Trends Review, December 23, 2013 – January 12, 2014: Japanese housing performed well in 2013, but home producers might push importers off the market in mid-term

January 16, 2014 ` 01:18  
After eleven months of 2013, housing starts in Japan were up 10% on last year’s figures, Holzkurier says. This makes 2013 the strongest construction year in Japan ever since 2008. As a preliminary total estimate, 960,000 housing units...

Global Trends Review, December 16-22, 2013: construction volume to drop by 3% in Europe this year, to grow 0.9% in 2014

December 27, 2013 ` 14:01  
Euroconstruct forecasts a decline of 3% by comparison to the preceding year in European construction output to €1.3 billion, reports EUWID Wood. This estimation made at the end of November reflects a slight adjustment downwards from the estimation...