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WhatWood Logistics China limited timber cargo shipments at two railway border crossings with Russia

China limited timber cargo shipments at two railway border crossings with Russia

10 December 2021 ` 19:37  

As of November 30 and December 1, 2021, the Russian Railways will no longer accept cargo (including timber cargo) addressed to Grodekovo – Suifenhe and Zabaykalsk – Manchuria border crossings, except containerized goods. The Russian side also stops accepting non-containerized cargo at these border crossings. It is not known yet when the Chinese side will resume cargo acceptance. There are 6,200 railcars in the railway network that these restrictions apply to.

“This decision was made in Chinese border cities of Manchuria and Suifenhe within the enhanced measures of prevention and control of the epidemiological situation,” the Russian Railways report. The state corporation suggests that consignors consider the possibility of containerizing their shipments or using alternative delivery methods, e.g. via ports and then by maritime transport, or return the cargo.

According to Vedomosti that quotes sources close to operator companies, 9 million tons of timber cargo passed the now-closed border crossings in January – October 2021.

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